Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC)
Students who are in good academic standing may register for courses at other institutions of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC), provided those courses are not available to them at Cedar Crest. (Other LVAIC participating institutions are DeSales University, Lafayette College, Lehigh University, Moravian University and Muhlenberg College.)
Full-time traditional students will pay comprehensive tuition to their home institution but may be required to pay applicable fees to the host institution. Part-time traditional students will be billed by the host institution at their per credit rate, plus applicable fees. Transportation is the student’s responsibility. Details and forms for cross-registration are available in the Registrar’s Office. Matriculated students enrolled in the School of Adult and Graduate Education (SAGE) also are eligible for LVAIC cross-registration privileges. SAGE students will be billed by the host institution at their per credit rate, plus applicable fees.
For winter or summer sessions, all students must pay the host institution’s tuition and fees. All credits and grades earned at an LVAIC institution will be computed into the student’s cumulative average. Credits earned via LVAIC courses will not be treated as transfer credits. If students want to use an LVAIC course to satisfy a degree, certificate, or general education requirement, they must receive approval in advance from their academic advisor and the appropriate Department Chair at Cedar Crest.
Student teaching and field experiences may not be satisfied through the LVAIC cross registration policy. Individual departments reserve the right to determine how and whether students may use LVAIC courses to satisfy academic requirements for majors, minors, and certificate programs.