Student Accessibility Services Mission Statement

Student Accessibility Services Mission Statement: Student Accessibility Services advances the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by developing and leading initiatives that eliminate barriers to equal access, broadening our appreciation for the contributions of individuals with disabilities, and promoting its mission as a shared responsibility of all campus partners. Student Accessibility Services provides leadership, institutional advisement, consultation and training on disability-related topics and issues to ensure students with disabilities are provided equal access to all College programs and services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Through an interactive process, Student Accessibility Services provides reasonable and appropriate individualized accommodations, academic adjustments and other services that not only ensure access but empower students to advocate for and utilize resources that will assist them in attaining their educational and life goals. Student Accessibility Services works collaboratively with campus partners to assist in the creation of learning environments that are usable, equitable and inclusive for students with a wide variety of abilities, needs, interests, and experiences.