
Cedar Crest College is committed to ensuring students with disabilities are welcomed as a part of our diverse community and that they have equal access to participate in all programs and services offered by the College.  The process of requesting and being approved for accommodations is an interactive one and requires student involvement.  Students who intend to request accommodations will need to:


  • Meet with the Director of Student Accessibility Services 
  • During this meeting the student will discuss a diagnosed condition, the functional limitations the student experiences as a result of this condition, and requests for accommodations (academic, residential and/or dining). This information will remain confidential within the office.
  • Students may receive accommodations due to the functional limitations caused by many types of conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, chronic health conditions, cognitive impairments, communication impairments, food allergies/insensitivity, hearing impairments/deafness, learning disabilities, physical/mobility issues, mental health conditions, brain injury/concussions, visual impairments/blindness and others.    
  • May also provide accommodations to students with temporary conditions (concussions, physical injuries, etc.) as the need arises. 


Provide supporting documentation

  • Students are not required to bring documentation to the initial meeting
  • Documentation guidelines will be discussed and provided during the initial meeting
  • Documentation guidelines are also available via this site (See Below)
  • This information will remain confidential within the office.
  • For more information regarding the process we use to determine whether the received documentation is acceptable, please see this flow chart

Documentation may be faxed to Academic Services (610-606-4673) or emailed to advising@cedarcrest.edu 

Additional Information:

  • Once a student is approved for accommodations, the Director works closely with the student, the student’s instructors, and other departments (Residence Life/Housing, Student Affairs, Dining Services etc.) to coordinate provision of accommodations.   
  • Although accommodations may be requested at any time, it is advisable for incoming first year and transfer students to request accommodations several months in advance of the beginning of their first semester at Cedar Crest. 
  • Differences Between High School & College Accommodations 
  • Questions? Please contact Academic Services (advising@cedarcrest.edu or 610-606-4628).

Returning Students with Previously Approved Accommodations

Students with approved accommodations who have graduated, taken a leave of absence, or exited the College for any reason, will be placed in "Inactive" status. Such students must email or call Disability Resources (advising@cedarcrest.edu; 610-606-4628) to notify the office that they intend to re-enroll. Students should provide at least one weeks notice in order for staff to place them in "Active" status and generate Accommodation Letters.   

Summary of Accommodations Letter

Students who are transferring to another institution may request both a copy of the supplemental documentation they provided Cedar Crest as well as a Summary of Accommodations Letter that will outline the time period for which the student received accommodations at Cedar Crest and the accommodations that were approved for the student. Requests for this documentation may be requested from Academic Services (610-606-4628, advising@cedarcrest.edu). 


Disability Resources does not typically notify instructors of student absences. If you are absent and need an instructor notified, please use the Absence Notification Request on the Student Affairs page of My Cedar Crest.

Continuity of Care

Your health is important! Health Services at Cedar Crest offers short term care for routine illness as well as short term counseling for students dealing with unexpected challenges in their lives. If you have a chronic physical or mental health condition for which you receive regularly scheduled long term care (medical appointments or treatment, therapy etc.), please make certain that you arrange for the same level of care, locally, while you are at Cedar Crest College. This may help you maintain your health and prevent “flare-ups” of your condition. Remember … throughout the years you attend college, you’ll be on campus more than you’ll be home!

Supplemental Documentation Guidelines/Forms

PLEASE NOTE: You may have documentation mailed directly to the College (to the attention of Accessibility Services), emailed to advising@cedarcrest.edu, or faxed to 610-606-4673. Please note that any forms posted below are offered for the student's/treating provider's convenience and can serve as a guide should the treating provider wish to write a letter or provide some other type of documentation.

Condition Verification Form

ESA Process Form

ESA Owner Responsibilities

Meal Plan Accommodation Request Form

Relocation Plan for Disability Access

If you need access to offices housed in inaccessible locations, please feel free to request that your appointment be held in an accessible location. Faculty and staff will be happy to accommodate you. Should you need further assistance with access, please contact the Academic Services office at 610-606-4628 or advising@cedarcrest.edu. Many classes, meetings, activities, and events can be moved to accessible locations with 48-hours notice. 

Inaccessible campus locations include Blaney Hall (BHA), the Alumnae Little Theater, Almunae Hall (ALH) (second floor), Lees Hall, The Narrows (first and second floors), Allen House (second floor), Moore Hall, Steinbright Hall, Curtis Hall (third floor), and the athletic fields. 

Accessible Parking and Pathways

The following is a campus map indicating accessible parking spaces and pathways (updated Mar. 2023).

CCC_CampusMap_Accessible Parking and Pathways 2023.pdf

Student Accessibility Services Mission Statement

Student Accessibility Services Mission Statement: Student Accessibility Services advances the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by developing and leading initiatives that eliminate barriers to equal access, broadening our appreciation for the contributions of individuals with disabilities, and promoting its mission as a shared responsibility of all campus partners. Student Accessibility Services provides leadership, institutional advisement, consultation and training on disability-related topics and issues to ensure students with disabilities are provided equal access to all College programs and services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Through an interactive process, Student Accessibility Services provides reasonable and appropriate individualized accommodations, academic adjustments and other services that not only ensure access but empower students to advocate for and utilize resources that will assist them in attaining their educational and life goals. Student Accessibility Services works collaboratively with campus partners to assist in the creation of learning environments that are usable, equitable and inclusive for students with a wide variety of abilities, needs, interests, and experiences. 

Testing Accommodations Information

The Student Success Center provides testing space between the hours of 8:00-4:30 Monday through Friday for those students receiving testing related accommodations. Please note that we require at least 72 hours notice for testing appointments so that the instructor has time to provide the exam to us and we can confirm space in the center.

To make a testing appointment, please go to the next section "Accommodated Testing Appointment Request," read the information, and complete the online form. Please review the following general information regarding testing in Academic Services. AS Testing Information.pdf

Video Monitoring in Testing Area Please note that we actively video monitoring and recording testing sessions in our testing area. Upon request, instructors may view recorded video to ensure testing integrity.

Testing (tests/exams/quizzes) may be administered in Academic Services for students who are approved for testing accommodations but whose instructors are unable to provide the accommodations for a particular test. To request a testing appointment in Academic Services, please click on “continue to form” below, read the information and instructions, complete the form and submit it. If, for any reason, you are unable to use this form, please contact Academic Services at 610-606-4628.

Continue to form

Assistive technology is any product, type of equipment, or system that enhances learning, working, and daily living for persons with disabilities. Everyone may benefit from using assistive technology and it may help you work more quickly, easily or independently. To see the variety of resources available, click here: Assistive Technology Resources.

Appeals Process

Appeals Process

Audio Recording

Audio Recording Agreement

Course Changes - You Added Courses

Please use the Course Change Notification Form to notify us that you have added courses and will need additional Accommodations Letters sent to instructors.

Making Requests for Alternate Format Texts

How to Find Your Textbooks

Form to Submit Alternate Format Requests

Note Taker Requests

Students with an approved Note Taker accommodation should review the following policy prior to requesting note takers.

Note Taker Request Policy

Service Animals

Service Animal Policy

Handbook for Student Accessibility Services

Title Description File type